changes log ========================== Contact me: - Twitter: - Email:{at} ------------------------------------------------------ β14 (2024.05.24) - better favicon quality - better artwork for mediaSession - add URLs to Browser Extensions - add new track sent by user !FromUsers/Serials2000 v7 - Nightmare Fever .xm β13 (2024.05.04) - ability to play/pause/next/prev via media keys - fixed (hopefully) bug when song played two times β12 (2024.04.25) - fix Info panel appearance on mobile devices (it overlapped the controls) - remove Google Analytics β11 (2020.12.08) - fix issue appeared in Chromium based browsers (was not able to play) β10 (2016.02.05) - remove zero-clipboard (solution via document.execCommand) - add track title to playlist - search also by track title 2015.10.02 - update to September 2015 pack ( β9 (2015.10.01) - fix bug with broken link to song - share song on twitter button - some styles fixes 2015.09.07 - update to July 2015 pack ( 2015.06.05 - β8 - now playing in playlist 2015.06.04 - upd to April 2015 pack ( 2015.05.25 - β7 2015.05.18 - β6 - spectrum 2015.05.12 - β5 - favorites, link to song 2015.05.08 - β4 - optimizations 2015.05.04 - β2 - Shuffle on/off, song search 2015.04.30 - β1 - February 2015 music pack from